Coffee Packaging designers In Kenya, Coffee Packaging design Process in Nairobi Kenya, Coffee farming In Kenya, Coffee Packaging designs requirements, Best Coffee Packaging design ideas.

Inspiring Coffee Package Designers In Kenya

In Kenya, coffee sales have increased over 20 years even though only 5% of Kenyans consume coffee produced in Kenya; coffee farming In Kenya is actively growing, which creates the basis to know how the Coffee Packaging design Process in Nairobi Kenya is done. The Label Gurus design team is tasked with developing the Best Coffee Packaging design ideas, ensuring coffee farmers can communicate their message to the target audience by packaging coffee products for visual identity purposes. Coffee Packaging designers in Kenya are important in optimising and developing package designs. Coffee package design has become a link between the customer and the seller. Therefore, one needs to know Coffee Packaging designs requirements are necessary in order to create a brand with a visual identity that is aesthetically appealing. Coffee is loved in every country, and this article will review how to design a coffee package that is highly competitive in the market.


Why is coffee Packaging design In Nairobi Kenya important?

Visual Representation: The coffee package should always be attractive to enhance the overall product feel.

Marketing tool: Unique coffee packaging tells your brand story, making it unique to gain identity with your customers.


Type Of Coffee Packaging design


We have various types of Best Coffee Packaging design ideas that are essential to Coffee farming In Kenya, coffee farmers have options to choose from.


Coffee Poaches /Coffee Bags Packaging designs

These types of packaging are flexible and attractive to capture customer attention. Examples of such packages are Stand-up pouches, flat-bottom bags, and seal bags.

Coffee Package design Process in Nairobi Kenya


The credit of this Package design goes to the Utake Coffee Package designers ,Label gurus design agency  only assisted on the coffee sticker design pasted on the front part of the package


(a) Coffee Box Packaging design

This type of packaging is done on cardboard, which has many marketing benefits. Sometimes, customers want such a coffee box packaging design, so it’s a good option to explore.

Coffee farming In Kenya


(b) Coffee Cans Packaging designs

Brands can also decide to pack their coffee in cans, which is the most expensive mode of packaging. Instead of coffee labels, most brands prefer that they can be printed directly.

It is a safer and more durable coffee packaging mode since such packages are not torn.

This type of packaging is a game changer since it will help coffee farmers stay on top of their game.

Coffee Package designers In Kenya



(c) Coffee Plastic Packaging designs

 It’s a mode of packaging coffee, though not common, because of the rising pollution. Therefore, customers may always opt for other packaging options in fear of losing customers or potential clients.

Coffee Package design requirements


 Coffee Packaging design in Kenya

The Coffee Packaging design Process in Nairobi Kenya, is just like drawing a house plan. Before launching your coffee brand in the market, you have to follow all the necessary steps.

However, with the help of creative and good Coffee Packaging designers in Kenya , you can go through all the steps and finally launch your coffee on the market.

Success comes with a lot of patience and cost, even though most farmers are not ready to follow all these steps. So, they end up selling their raw coffee or exporting coffee to other countries cheaply.

Nothing feels good when you add value to your product and sell it at a fair price to get worthwhile compensation for your effort.

With much said and nothing more to add, let’s jump to the Coffee Packaging designs requirements



Requirement for Coffee Package design


The You tube video credits goes to Citizen Tv Digital  . We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Citizen TV for their generous offer in providing Label Gurus with the platform to share our insights and expertise on coffee packaging design. We truly appreciate the opportunity to engage in this meaningful discussion and showcase the depth of knowledge that Label Gurus brings to the field of packaging design




1.Brand Logo:A logo is a symbol that will distinguish your brand from competitors. With Label Gurus’ design team, we are here to help you brand your coffee with a powerful brand logo identity to improve your recognition and ensure customer loyalty.

2.Package design size and die: What always guides the printer before printing a package for any product is the die or package size.A farmer needs to analyze the market and thoroughly research the package size before even engaging in Coffee Packaging designers in Kenya for the best coffee packaging design ideas.

3.Coffee Description :The writing on the back of the coffee package explains the mode of coffee preparation and the proper hygiene measures taken while making the coffee brand. Whenever a customer grabs a coffee package on the store shelves, they always check the back to ensure the product is safe for consumption.

4.Nutrition Factor :The right measurement for all the elements used in a coffee package shows if the product is safe for consumption.We have the Kenya Bureau of Standards, the body commission that checks all the products, including food, cosmetics, beverages, water, and all other products consumed by humans and animals.

After analyzing the products, the Kenya Bureau of Standards will give you the KEBS No and the right composition for your products.

We at Label Gurus design and assist in printing Kebs stickers in Nairobi and Kenya to ensure coffee farmers have no difficulty selling their brands just because they lack Kebs stickers.

5.Barcode :Barcodes are incorporated on coffee packaging or labelling to ensure your product’s sale to your customer.

The body entitled to provide barcodes in Kenya is Barcode Kenya. The best part about sourcing your Barcode from Barcode Kenya is that you will provide Genuine barcodes with good resolutions, ensuring your brand is outstanding and appealing in the market.

Other ranges of services label Gurus Design provides include printing the Barcode in situations where the clients omitted the Barcode from the package or label.

6.Contacts and Address : Every package design has contacts and addresses to indicate the manufacturer and distributor of the products.


If you doing Coffee farming In Kenya ensure you have Coffee Package design requirements well drafted to ensure successful package or label design for your brands.


Key element to designing inspiring Coffee Packaging design In Kenya


Best Coffee Packaging design ideas

Proper Logo Positioning on the package

One needs to emphasise the brand logo to develop coffee packaging that will stand out from the competition.Proper positioning of the brand logo on the top part of the package will attract potential customers to purchase.


Proper Color Scheme Selection

Our eyes are always attracted to colors. The combination of various vibrant and bold colors has an impact on your coffee package design development.

A coffee brand package with a proper color selection makes customers enjoy purchasing a product.


Proper Typography

The choice of typography should go hand in hand with the theme of the package design. Also, the readability and eligibility of the font should be visible to ensure customers notice the package every time he is passing the shelves.


Brand History

Let the customer or the clients consuming your coffee brand know the story behind your coffee design and products.

Why they need to choose your coffee bean packaging over competitors’ brands

What is so interesting about your coffee that your target audience would want to associate with your brand?


Type of Illustration You can Incorporate on your package design to make it more Unique and creative



a) Artistic Illustration

We all love art. What if this artistic element were expressed visually in our coffee package design?

Artistic Visual illustration is one of the Best Coffee Packaging design ideas for telling an excellent story about your brand of coffee. You can illustrate any type of image that you feel people would love when they associate it with your brand.

Coffee plants, beans, or any historic illustration that you want your target audience to associate with is likely to make your package even more appealing.

Always consult with Coffee Packaging designers in Kenya to ensure that your coffee or label package design has the perfect illustration.

b) Natural Illustration

Coffee originates from nature, so it is always incorporated with some natural elements like leaves and color texture to highlight the originality of the coffee brand.

c) Unique Pattern Illustration

Sometimes, instead of a Flat plain package, incorporating unique patterns into the coffee packaging design will make your package design even more appealing.

d) Culture and Historic Illustration

Did you know clients can simply purchase a package because it has some historic influence related to their community?

As a designer, when sketching thumbnail sketches, always highlight cultural illustrations to enhance your Best Coffee Packaging design ideas. This can help you tell good stories and connect with your audiences.



In order to understand the Coffee Packaging designs requirements, we have to develop the habit of doing thorough research. Remember that the coffee package design has the potential to establish a visual identity in order to connect with the audience.

Sketching meaningful sketches and illustrations will present powerful Best Coffee Packaging design ideas your audience will relate to.

Sometimes, Coffee Packaging designers in Kenya should test the shapes of packages with different color schemes in order to establish a coffee brand whose theme is compatible with the target market.

However, if you are a small or large-scale farmer and you are planning to launch coffee farming in Kenya, here is the chance for you to shine.

Since you have knowledge of Coffee Packaging design Processes in Nairobi Kenya, these will ensure you organise all Coffee Packaging design requirements.

With the help of Label Gurus design agency, we will guide you step by step in designing appealing package designs, by providing us with all the Coffee Packaging designs requirements

Whats the important of knowing Coffee Packaging design Process in Nairobi Kenya ?

Did you know coffee farming contributes largely to Kenya’s economy?If the answer is yes, coffee farming has unlocked so many opportunities for Kenya as a country .

Imagine the increased visibility you will experience by investing in the Coffee Packaging design Process in Nairobi  Kenya. With an eye-catching and, appealing, well-drafted package design, your brand will become famous and memorable to your customers.

Now that you have known all the Coffee Packaging designs requirements !! Are you ready to start your coffee packaging design process!!!

What others Services we offer as Label Gurus designs 

We label Gurus designs we also offer other range of services include full range of labelling and packaging design services In Kenya, from water bottle label designs to milk packaging designs, coffee label, wine and alcohol label designs, tea label designs. dishwashing liquid labels, multipurpose labels, and bleach labels, cosmetic and hair detergent labels,Bread packaging designs, pharmaceutical labels Our packaging solutions are designed to make your products stand out and attract more audience. We also offer other range of services this include logo design In Kenya, logo designers services in Nairobi and Kenya, Company profile designers services in Nairobi Kenya and many others graphic design related services like business card, letter head, packaging, label, flyer, brochure, banner, company profile, Other range of services include Kebs Sticker Printing in Nairobi Kenya

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